Vibrant Schools Candidates Forum


August 6th, 4-6p.m. @ Peace Community Center

Do you care about what is happening in your schools?  A huge part of policy change in our schools has to do with those on the School Board.  Vibrant Schools held our first ever candidates forum with Dr. Dexter Gordon and Ms. Debbie Winskill who spoke and answered questions on policy, history and the future for youth in our community.  The Candidates Forum was August 6th, 4-6 p.m. at Peace Community Center.  It was a wonderful opportunity to learn about the two candidates and what they are able to do for the youth we most care about!
Vibrant Schools had a set of questions and there was also an opportunity for public comment and questions.  This was the community’s moment to share their voice, concerns and hopes for our schools.  The only way to invoke change is to participate.  We loved having such an amazing turnout!  It was a packed house.
This event was hosted by Vibrant Schools.  We thank our sponsors and Vibrant Schools members, Peace Community Center for providing the location and Stand for Children for providing food and refreshments.
Vibrant Schools has 32 different organizations who are members.  We are so grateful to have people from all different backgrounds:  social, political, and religious.  These organizations bring a variety of cultural vantage points and come to one table to share our common hope that all youth are successful in life.
For questions on further events, please contact .