
We are community voices for student success. Vibrant Schools is focused on aiding youth in their pursuit to greatness.

Who are Vibrant Schools Members? They are individuals, businesses, and organizations that are dedicated to getting our youth in Tacoma Public Schools college and career ready. We will do all we can to make their dreams of a better tomorrow a reality.

Who funds Vibrant Schools? Vibrant Schools is funded through The Bill and Melinda Gates Grant, with Peace Community Center as its fiscal sponsor. We are dedicated to advocating for youth and focusing on policy change in the Tacoma School District. Vibrant Schools supports college and career readiness for youth of color and youth impacted by poverty. We do not take sides on initiatives or endorse candidates. However, it is our goal to cultivate the best environment for learning and growth for our students. We will knock on doors for school bonds and levy campaigns advocating for community members to vote.

What is Vibrant Schools goal? Our goal is to focus on student achievement and closing the achievement/opportunity gap. We want all students, especially students of color and students impacted by poverty to achieve.

Why Tacoma? Why now?
~55% of youth go on to enter a two or four year college. What would happen if we, as a community, could help in changing that statistic…

~Graduation rate is at 68%.  Tacoma School District has set a goal of 85% and having the achievement gap closed by 2020.

~Tacoma has made progress in closing the achievement gap but the road is long and we are not where we would like to be.
~With the new Innovative School Model for Tacoma Public Schools in full swing, a structure of teacher and principle evaluation has been set up.  Our goal is that the implementation of this process is purposeful with lasting change.